Are you a big fan of Hellraiser? If yes, don’t skip our Lament configuration lock puzzle box, it is inspired by the movie Hellraiser! This is a functional, moveable puzzle box that changes confirmation based on how you try to solve the puzzle with your hands. The Lament has a locking system inside, the 2 discs at the top and bottom need to be in a specific position to close or open the puzzle. When it is closed either in cube or star position it can be locked by turning one of the dials and it will only open in the correct position. The box also contains a small empty circular space in the center, leaving room to place a surprise gift. This prop is 3D printed, made of PLA, which is a sourced-from-nature recyclable plastic. The highly detailed face panels are made with a smooth gold metallic foil so shiny you can see a reflection in them. Get it now!